Current exhibition –
11 November 2023
17 February 2024

Alfredo Casali. La memoria delle cose.


Edited by Massimo Ferrari

Volumnia, the exhibition space dedicated to art and design inside the church of Sant’Agostino in the heart of Piacenza, opens on Nov. 11 a solo exhibition dedicated to Alfredo Casali entitled Alfredo Casali. La memoria delle cose. Edited by Massimo Ferrari.
After passing through some prestigious Italian exhibition venues, such as at MAN in Nuoro with Infosfera or with the exhibition Alfredo Casali, Giovanni Fabbri. Geographies life, territory, history at the Magazzini del sale in Cervia, Alfredo Casali returns to the city of his origins to offer a project that traces the main stages of his poetics. The exhibition restores the transition from the years of abstractionism inspired by Novelli and Twombly, to the moment when visual poetry takes over, to the moment of figuration linked to Giorgio Morandi’s iconography, to the more recent minimalist and geometric reflection, focused on sign, form and matter as the basic elements of the language of painting itself.
The installation designed by curator Massimo Ferrari with Claudia Tinazzi, Annalucia D’Erchia and Pedro Escoriza Torralbo (Politecnico di Milano, Department ABC) imagines constructing within the Renaissance architecture of the church of Sant’Agostino, now Volumnia, some autonomous spaces expressive of the recurring themes in Casali’s works, small architectures within the majestic basilica architecture that guide and accompany the visitor in a continuous experience between inside and outside. To accompany the reflection developed by the artist, the curator imagined a path strongly built on the archetypal elements recurring in Casali’s painting such as the house, the landscape, trees, clouds, tables, blackboards and the human figure, each collected within corresponding spaces.
The resulting path offers an evocative and extremely scenic design by distributing itself throughout the site with narrative microcosms that are, at the same time, interconnected to offer an anthological note of the artist’s poetics. Enriching the set-up is the specially designed lighting design by Davide Groppi, which enhances its features.

Alfredo Casali. La memoria delle cose.
Edited by Massimo Ferrari

Tuesday – Saturday
10 am – 1 pm and 3 pm – 6 pm
and by appointment


Volumnia, Stradone Farnese 33, Piacenza

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Piera Cristiani

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